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Tosca Automation (Automation Testing) / 9 months ago


Application ends: 2024-03-28

osca is a software testing tool developed by Tricentis, primarily used for automated functional and regression testing. Here’s an overview of a typical automation job using Tosca:

  1. Requirement Analysis: The first step involves understanding the software requirements and identifying test scenarios that need to be automated.
  2. Test Planning: Testers create a test plan outlining the scope, objectives, and approach of the automation effort. This includes selecting test cases for automation and prioritizing them based on criticality and frequency of execution.
  3. Test Design: Test cases are designed using Tosca’s model-based approach. Testers create reusable modules representing different application functionalities and define test cases by combining these modules.
  4. Test Execution: Automated test cases are executed against the application under test. Tosca interacts with the application’s user interface (UI) to simulate user actions such as clicking buttons, entering text, and validating results.
  5. Test Reporting: Tosca generates detailed test reports highlighting the test results, including pass/fail status, execution time, and any defects encountered during testing. These reports provide insights into the application’s quality and help stakeholders make informed decisions.
  6. Defect Management: If any defects are identified during testing, they are logged in a defect tracking system such as Jira or HP ALM. Testers can link defects to the corresponding test cases for traceability and prioritize them based on severity and impact.
  7. Maintenance: Test scripts require periodic maintenance to ensure they remain effective as the application evolves. Testers update scripts to accommodate changes in the application’s UI or functionality and rerun tests to verify their continued accuracy.
  8. Integration with CI/CD: Tosca can be integrated into continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines to automate testing as part of the software development lifecycle. This ensures that new code changes are thoroughly tested before being deployed to production.
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